The Essential Blog ¦ The Essential Justin Guarini Website

A companion blog to the website, which is dedicated to providing news and information about the music and career of Justin Guarini, jazz/soul/funk musician and singer. The blog also offers commentary on the music industry and the machine that drives the behemoth known as American Idol.

Location: United States

We run a fansite for Justin Guarini, first season American Idol runner up and reborn jazz/soul singer. We're all old enough to be his, ah, babysitter.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Justin Guarini's Insider Tell-All Blogs About American Idol

Justin Guarini, the ultimate insider, is blogging exclusively for about American Idol. He's takes you behind the scenes and tells you what's happening when the cameras aren't on. Great stuff. Comments say it's better than the show. What do you think?

read more | digg story

Thursday, January 17, 2008

New! Hot Tracks Album coming out in February!

Justin has a new song that will be included along with seven other favorite Idol performer on a CD that is part of a HUGE promotion that Dreyer's/Edy's Ice Cream is doing, starting in February.

New Song "Get It" & Edy’s/Dreyer’s Ice Cream Promotion!
"Get It," a song from Justin Guarini’s upcoming release, has been chosen to be on a FREE CD available February thru May!

Edy's/Dreyer's Ice Cream is teaming up with 8 American Idol finalists from the past 6 seasons to offer fans one sweet deal!

When you buy 2 Slow Churned Ice Cream products you get a FREE CD compilation of some of your favorite American Idol finalists.

Look for an indoor display or on freezer doors at national & regional grocery chains near you!

Besides Justin, there will be tracks from: George Huff, Chris Richardson, Mandisa, Nadia Turner, Kimberly Caldwell, Constantine Maroulis, and Anthony Federov.

They are supposed to be shipping 1.5 million copies of this CD. Wow, that would make this a platinum album! Start making room for that ice cream!

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The Best American Idol Blog, Dawg

No, not us. Forget the couch cushion cowboys, the wannabes and the pretenders. The new king of American Idol blogs is from by someone who has lived it, from the inside, from the very beginning to the finale and six seasons thereafter. Someone who knows what Simon Cowell is really like, whether Randy Jackson's vocabulary is larger than six words, and whether Paula Abdul really . . . er, skip that. (He probably also knows if Clay Aiken . . . er skip that, too.)

Check it out:

Don't go expecting light weight fluff. He's bringing it ON.


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

And they're off . . .

Ironically, the first American Idol show of the seventh season is called a wrap. As in Idol Wrap, on the TV Guide Network. The show, hosted by Justin Guarini, Kimberley Caldwell and presumably Rosanna Tavarez, features highlights and probably lowlights from the auditions as well in-the-know guests who share insights and gossip about Idol. It premieres Friday, January 11, 2008, at 8:00 p.m. eastern.

But for the writers' strike, the seventh season of Idol might well have seen the beginning of a distinct downward trend in viewership. With the dropping of season two winner Ruben Studdard and season five winner Taylor Hicks from J Records, and with more rumored to come, the shine has definitely come off the hit-making machine. In fact, with the exception of Carrie Underwood, no Idol has managed to maintain sales momentum from their prior albums. As anyone who follows Idol knows, the only thing that matters is how many units you move (tm Clive Davis).

Will season seven reverse the trend? Just as they learned from the unbelievably stupid way Davis and RCA handled Justin's first album (releasing it after season two ended, on the very same day the season two finalists' singles were released for sale, with no lead single and no video support), perhaps they will learn from the relative failure of both the season five and season six top two. This year's gimmick is to let them play their own instruments during the semi-finals. Only time will tell if this gimmick ultimately pays sales dividends.

Meanwhile, enjoy the TV spectacle if you will. Starting with the Wrap this Friday.

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