The Essential Blog ¦ The Essential Justin Guarini Website

A companion blog to the website, which is dedicated to providing news and information about the music and career of Justin Guarini, jazz/soul/funk musician and singer. The blog also offers commentary on the music industry and the machine that drives the behemoth known as American Idol.

Location: United States

We run a fansite for Justin Guarini, first season American Idol runner up and reborn jazz/soul singer. We're all old enough to be his, ah, babysitter.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Revolve Acoustic EP - Review

F. Scott Fitzgerald once wrote that "the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." One of the most intriguing things about Justin Guarini's voice is that it consists of two opposing characteristics at the same time. It is at once raw edged and fluid. The fluidity has been on display in his recorded music, starting with "Justin Guarini," but too often, the recorded versions are sweetened and the rawness is lost.

That is not true of Revolve, the new three song EP Justin has released through his new label, Revolutionary Entertainment. The songs, "Sweet Time, " "Rock Bottom," and "When She Cries," are performed with a simple acoustic guitar accompaniment. Written and produced by Justin and his close friend, Shaun Ingram, the project is an examination of the complexities of relationships. On first blush, that description might seem rather commonplace, addressing well-worn themes, but these songs move beyond the typical "she loves me, she loves me not" lyric qualities of popular music.

"Sweet Time," a folk-soul song that could well have appeared on one of fellow Philadelphian Amos Lee's albums, opens with an immediately relatable expression of exasperation: "Haven't we done this once? Let's not do this again. All I want is sweet time, babe." In "Rock Bottom," Justin sings of destructive emotional obsession:

You shattered my innocence, you laughed at my tears.
You broke down my last defense, you wasted my years.
But you got something that money can't buy.
I feel just like a junkie, do anything, anything to make you mine.

The song then leads into a chorus that aggressively analogizes desire to facilitation of addiction, culminating with Justin's falsetto lamenting "You keep me fixed, you run my life."

The final song, "When She Cries," offers a blues-rock take on the male view of woman as cipher. It is on this song, perhaps, that the two opposing qualities of Justin's voice are put to their strongest test, displayed in the closing moments of the song.

Oh then she cried, then she cried, do you believe that she cried?
Oh, and a part of me died, a part of me died, oh, just a part of me died, oh every time.

When music is performed in this stripped down style, it cannot hide. Throughout the EP, the songs have the strength of storytelling and imagery. The lyrics avoid cliche, and the melodies linger. All this with the just the power of an instinctive voice and insightful songwriting.

If there is any frustration with this project, it is the prospect of not enough people hearing it. Unfortunately, no matter how compelling his music is, Justin doesn't have the platform to launch a new project that others from American Idol are fortunate to have. His work doesn't have the immediate public ear the way a David Cook or a Daughtry project does, for example. For some others, the fact he was an Idol will be reason enough to pass by a Justin Guarini project, regardless of its storytelling and execution.

It shouldn't be a zero-sum game. In fact, it isn't. This is good stuff - go check it out if you haven't. You'll enjoy it more than the empty calories of the Starbucks you might buy instead.

Revolve Acoustic EP - Digital Download Link

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Friday, May 23, 2008

From Justin to David

As much as we are tired of that play on words, it couldn't work better than in circumstances where the first runner up shares the stage with the current runner up, who sang for him way back in the first season. Justin Guarini interviews David Archuletta right after the American Idol Finale. Not to be left out, David Cook opens the segments with his own play on FJ2K. Don't stop with the interview - there's a great video to also watch of Justin accompanying himself on guitar as he sings the moving original song, "Missing You." We're pretty sure he wasn't singing about this season's AI, but you never know.

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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Justin Guarini to Host New BlogTalk Radio Show

From the official site:
The Justin Guarini Show
Let your voice be heard! The Justin Guarini show presents a unique opportunity for fans to get in direct touch with the musicians they love. Tune in to hear signed and unsigned artists live, special guests ranging from producers to managers to agents that will help you figure out how to make your music your way and how to get it out to the masses. The Justin Guarini show is a free-flowing program that always has surprises in store for registered listeners, and is a must-listen for the independent artist and avid fan alike.

The first show airs on June 3, 2008. The call in number to talk to Justin live during the show is (347) 838-8745.

Click button below to go to the official site and listen to the show!

Listen to Revolutionary Entertainment Presents:  The Justin Guarini Show on internet talk radio

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Two American Idol Runners Up Sharing the Stage

Justin Guarini and his Idol Tonight co-hosts have a conversation with Bo Bice prior to the Final Four elimination show outside the American Idol stage door.

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