The Essential Blog ¦ The Essential Justin Guarini Website

A companion blog to the website, which is dedicated to providing news and information about the music and career of Justin Guarini, jazz/soul/funk musician and singer. The blog also offers commentary on the music industry and the machine that drives the behemoth known as American Idol.

Location: United States

We run a fansite for Justin Guarini, first season American Idol runner up and reborn jazz/soul singer. We're all old enough to be his, ah, babysitter.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Success is getting to do what you love

According to industry sources, only about 7 percent of all music CDs released in a given year sell more than 100,000 copies. If you performed in the top 7 percent of your industry or profession, would you consider yourself successful? Seems a no-brainer, huh?

Sorta puts into perspective the media's tendency to label various former Idols as "flops." Besides Justin Guarini, Kimberley Locke, Diana DeGarmo, and Tamyra Gray released first albums that sold between 100,000 and 200,000, putting them all into that top 7 percent category. Yet, according to most entertainment writers, their albums were not successful. A recent column in the Orange Country Register even referred to Bo Bice as an "abysmal failure," and his album went gold.

There was a very thoughtful article a few years back that called out others in the media for denigrating the professional achievements of the "other Idols" as somehow not worthy because they weren't multi-platinum CD sellers. As that article pointed out very, very few people manage to make a living in the entertainment business. Even some of the former Idols who are performing on cruise ships are nonetheless working in the entertainment business and doing a respectable job of it. There are plenty of people who would give a lot to be able to have that job.

It's true you don't see many of the "other Idols" on your TV or hear them on your radio or read advertisements for their world tours. It takes a lot of money to gain that kind of exposure, and those working outside the major label system just don't have the pool of marketing money to make that happen. But if instead of relying on the media to tell you, you do a little looking, you'll find that many of them are busy, making music and contributing to causes that are important to them.

Take Justin, for example. No, RCA was not a good fit for him. But once he waited out that contract, he went on to produce a jazz album that got strong reviews from sources like AllMusicGuide and The Philadelphia Inquirer (winning over a critic who savaged his first album). He independently raised the funding to make his third album, a soul/funk/jazz album that he's currently recording. He can say, with no promotional BS behind it, that this music is him - he decided what to record, how to record it, who to work with on the project, etc. He's earning the critical praise he's getting.

Over the past few years, he's also made numerous appearances on behalf of various public interest groups, especially those fighting the shrinking budgets in public schools for music programs. That cause took him to Congress, and to address an NAACP leadership conference. He's also made smaller appearances on behalf of children's charities, Habitat for Humanity, and AIDs charities, to name a few. These aren't just photo ops, because, well, we can't even find photos from some of them (and we've tried, believe us). Much to fans' chagrin, his full schedule has kept him from blogging as often as we'd like (hey, Justin, it's been how long since that last one?).

So, next time someone in the media decides you should think the "other Idols" are failures, just shake your head because you know better. Being able to do what you love always makes you a success.


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