The Essential Blog ¦ The Essential Justin Guarini Website

A companion blog to the website, which is dedicated to providing news and information about the music and career of Justin Guarini, jazz/soul/funk musician and singer. The blog also offers commentary on the music industry and the machine that drives the behemoth known as American Idol.

Location: United States

We run a fansite for Justin Guarini, first season American Idol runner up and reborn jazz/soul singer. We're all old enough to be his, ah, babysitter.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Someone else noticed, too

It seems we aren't the only ones who have noticed the biases and stereotypes at work in the comments about Justin's hair. From

They also are unaware of their prejudices against non-normal physical attributes. Of course they are all into beauty and cosmetic surgery and looking good for the cameras. But it goes even further. For instance, on idol chat, Rosanna and Kimberly were mocking Justin Guarini's afro, comparing his hair to Bozo the clown. On E's commentary on the golden globe fashions, the hosts -- and Miss Jay a black person with transgender issues should know better-- got a lot of laughs mocking Vanessa Williams and Will Farrell's hair. Why? Because of the afros and curly hair. Why should curly hair and afros bring knee-jerk laughter? Yet, all over television there is a continued mockery about afros which shows that subtle racism is still alive.

Justin's reply, by the way, was to go along with the joke by patting his hair lovingly and saying something to the effect of "Why yes, I stole it and dyed it brown." The setting was light-hearted, and both co-hosts would probably be horrified to know someone saw their actions as "subtle racism." Still, it's worth thinking about how we continue to denigrate differences in our society, even if we do it unconsciously.

On a happier note, Justin is now a correspondent on the TV Guide Channel, appearing on Idol Chat and later on Idol Tonight. Putting aside the Afro issue, Idol Chat has been fun to watch. There's great chemistry between Justin and Kimberly and Rosanna (they keep cracking the show's crew, making you wonder if the show will in fact go on). We're waiting for them to let Justin loose behind the scenes at the tapings of American Idol. That should be a real hoot.

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